Hope Keena update! This sweet girl is a hot mess! She has Sarcoptic mange, yes the contagious kind, double ear infection, that smells awful, hook and roundworms and a "sour" GI bug. She's on a lot of meds, more than my hubby, and her dew claws had to be pulled from her pads which left a nice little cut. She will start her Nexgaurd treatment for the mange on Monday. She will be quarantined in our bathroom for a few weeks so she can rest and begin healing her body while we work on healing her heart. With everything she's going through, even the excruciating pain, when we walk in she wags that tail
Her vet bill was almost 100% paid for from donations. We only owe $11. I cant say thank you enough She's really a sweet girl and I know she'll pull through just fine!
**We have decided, since any pup I get has to have a middle name, that she is now Hope Keena. Keena is Gaelic for "The brave one"
Thank y'all so much!!
